First there’s Pete Wentz (I know I know, he’s not really a celebrity but I said “so-called” above remember?) showing some surprisingly nice cock on his blog (which he quickly took down after posting)
Too bad he sticks it in Ashley Simpson (am I right haters!?!?!?!!). Also too bad it belongs to Pete Wentz…..yeah, this dude:
But hey, it’s encouraging to see even if it’s from a barely C-level celebrity*! Keep those pics cumming lil Petey!!
Then there’s Soulja Boy posting this pic on his blog:

You can’t actually see the peen BUT GOD DAMN I WANT TO!
WTF is that in your pants son?!?!? You better be careful with that loaded weapon. Looks like you need a second set of panties to hold that shit in! I love that he’s in his bathroom too. This photo makes me want to buy your album. Did you hear that Soulja Boy? Post more pics of your giant dong and I will buy whatever you want me to buy.
And that better be real. Don't be writing checks your dick can't cash!
And finally there's Jaime Foxx. I know I know, another celebrity cock that you've never had the desire to see...but come on...just check it out:
I am liking this trend a lot. Keep up the good work guys!! Now if we could just see more peen in the movies coming out of Hollywood the world would be a better place.
*This doesn’t mean I want to see all C-Level celebrity peen. I’m talking bout you Corey Feldman. Keep it in your pouch. No one wants to see your shit.
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