Monday, November 23, 2009

That's A DealBreaker Ladies

Love this blog called Dealbreaker by funnies Marisa and Dave.  They have long list of reasons why they won't date you, including:

- You're Lady GaGa
- You don't like watching Degrassi
- You have swine flu
- You're an American Apparel Model
- You're Jeff Goldblum (“God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man. Man destroys God. Man creates Dinosaurs”)
- You have the same name as my dad
- You hate unicorns
- You won't kiss me after oral
- You don't "get" Radiohead
- You're not Mark Ruffalo

and many, many more (You're too hot, You say "vagine")

Some of my dealbreakers:
- you are homeless
- you are grossed out by body hair on women
- you are a republican
- you hit on me using Myspace
- you don't like to swim
- you are Mormon
- you lied about graduating from high school
- you constantly talk about how awesome California is
- you are Glen Beck/Bill O'Reily/Fox News/Ann Coulter/Newt Gingrich/an asshole

what are some of your dealbreakers?

1 comment:

  1. Time out! What's wrong with being homeless? I'm homeless!
