The ladies of PoolBoy love to ride their bikes. What better way to meet hot dudes than on your bike? I like to pull the old "Do you know anything about bikes? You do? Can you take a look at my chain?" line to get to talking to hotties on their fixies. Works every time ladies!
We've even taken hot naked photos of a biking hottie for our first issue! With his bike!
Plus biking is good for other shit like the environment and your body (blah blah blah). It's also super cool to know how to fix your own bike so when you ride up next to that hot dude on a bike and ask him to "look at your chain", you can always say:
I already know how to fix bikes, I just wanted to talk to you.
Here's some other cool bike sites we've found on the internetz:
Photos of Hot Dudes on Bikes
Hot Dudes on Bikes the blog
WOMBATS (Woman's Mountain Bike And Tea Society)
Chainbreaker by Shelley Jackson
Here’s a hand-illustrated and accesible introduction to the world of bike repair! Through working at both Plan B Bike Project and French Quarter Bicycles in New Orleans, our co-authors have gathered a wealth of experience to share with would-be mechanics. The first half of this book is a complete repair manual to get you started on choosing, fixing, and riding your bike. The second half reprints all four issues of Chainbreaker zine, whose originals were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.
Velo Vogue: Where the bike lane meets the runway!
Awesome bike blog on bikes and fashion. Lots of fun pictures.

Hot dudes + swedish designed fixies = never ending fappage.