There's pretty much nothing hotter to me than an attractive dude reading a good book. Blamo! My undies are instantly wet. Srsly. It's pretty much the reason I work at a bookstore. Yes, I love books and I love to talk about them but really I love to flirt with hot dudes who ask me for recommendations or just ogle them while they flip through
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Whoa is right.
So when my friend sent me a link to
Hot Guys Reading Books I almost fell out of my chair. And then I spent a long, long time looking through it. There's a little sampling below to wet your whistle.

I don't even care what the book is. Hello!

Obviously European, no? Wish I could tell what he was reading.

That's a saucy little smirk, my friend. I like.

Loafers! Would totally approach this dude and strike up a convo about whatever he's reading. Hope it's not
Eat, Pray, Love.
HGRB says he was reading a Harry Potter book. Get in my pants!

Heinlein, nice. You can be a stranger in my strange land any day.
Check out the blog and send in pics of your boyfriend reading so I can fantasize about him too.
Eat Pray Love reference for the win.